Opening of the 2016 Learning With MOOCs conference at the University of Pennsylvania, PA.

About me

I am a Senior Lecturer at UniSA Education Futures and member of the Centre for Change and Complexity in Learning (C3L), a research centre studying the interplay between human and artificial cognition and how it affects human learning and knowledge processes. My research focuses on the development of novel learning analytics systems using learners’ trace data records collected by learning management systems with the goal of understanding and improving student learning. I am particularly interested in students’ self-regulation of learning and understanding how trace data can be used to gain a deeper understanding of learning processes. I obtained my PhD in Informatics, at the University of Edinburgh, the United Kingdom in 2017. Currently, I serve as a Secretary of the Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR), which is a leading research society focused on the promotion and development of Learning Analytics field. I am also an associated editor for the Higher Education Research & Development Journal (Taylor and Francis) and Academic Editor for PLoS ONE Journal (Public Library of Science).


  •    Research Fellow at the School of Education and Data Scientist at the Teaching Innovation Unit at the Univeristy of South Australia.
  •    Member of the SoLAR exectutive committee.
  •    Authored and co-authored 44 peer-reviewed research publications including 6 book chapters, 17 journal articles, 13 conference papers, 3 workshop papers, 1 technical report, and 3 posters.
  •    The total number of Google scholar citations: 6380 with the H-index: 42 .
  •    Best paper awards at LAK15 and HERDSA15 conferences.
  •    Program co-chair for the Third International Learning With MOOCs conference (LWMOOCs'16), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.
  •    Local chair for the 6th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference (LAK'16), University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.
  •    One of the authors of the ``Preparing for the digital university`` report that was covered by the Chronicle of Higher Education.
  •    Reviewer for several journals in the field of Learning Analytics and Educational Data Mining: Journal of Learning Analytics, The Internet and Higher Education, Big Data & Society, Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies.
  •    Involved in several Learning Analytics research initiatives (MRI, HLDAEDM, DALMOOC).
  •    Organizer of several tutorials and workshops on Learning analytics and Educational Data Mining.

Research interests

  • Learning Analytics
  • Educational Data Mining
  • Discourse and content analytics
  • Inquiry-based Learning
  • Self-regulated and social learning
  • Massive Open Online Courses
  • Digital, distance and online education
  • Text Mining
  • Social Network Analysis