It is my pleasure to announce that our paper “Developing a MOOC experimentation platform: Insights from a user study” by Kovanović, V., Joksimović, S., Katerinopoulos, P., Michail, C., Siemens, G., & Gašević, D. was presented at the 7th International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge in Vancouver, Canada. The paper describes a study that examined users’ perceptions regarding the development of a novel analytics tool for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).
You can find the paper, presentation slides and video recording on the link below:
In 2011, the phenomenon of MOOCs had swept the world of education and put online education in the focus of the public discourse around the world. Although researchers were excited with the vast amounts of MOOC data being collected, the benefits of this data did not stand to the expectations due to several challenges. The analyses of MOOC data are very time-consuming and labor-intensive, and require a highly advanced set of technical skills, often not available to the education researchers. Because of this MOOC data analyses are rarely done before the courses end, limiting the potential of data to impact the student learning outcomes and experience.
In this paper we introduce MOOCito (MOOC intervention tool), a user-friendly software platform for the analysis of MOOC data, that focuses on conducting data-informed instructional interventions and course experimentations. We cover important design principles behind MOOCito and provide an overview of the trends in MOOC research leading to its development. Although a work-in-progress, in this paper, we outline the prototype of MOOCito and the results of a user evaluation study that focused on system’s perceived usability and ease-of-use. The results of the study are discussed, as well as their practical implications.